
Chemical Peels in Bowie, MD

Chemical Peels in Bowie, MD

Chemical Peels in Bowie, MD

Chemical peels are a specialized skin treatment that improves skin appearance. The skin is exfoliated and eventually peeled off using a chemical solution. Generally, new, rejuvenated skin is smoother and less wrinkled when compared to the old skin. There are chemical peels for the face, the neck, and the hands. Under the eyes and around the mouth, they can reduce fine lines and wrinkles caused by sun damage and aging, improve mild scars, treat acne, reduce age spots, freckles, and dark spots (melasma) caused by pregnancy or taking birth control pills, and enhance the skin’s overall appearance.

Chemical Peels in Bowie, MD, are suitable for individuals looking to improve the appearance of their skin and are not pregnant, nursing, or have taken certain acne medications in the last six months. Results from chemical peels can be seen as soon as the skin heals, typically within seven to fourteen days. If desired results are not achieved after one treatment, multiple treatments may be required. The duration of results varies depending on the type of peel, the condition of the skin, and the skincare routine followed post-treatment. For those interested in exploring the benefits of chemical peels, ELYSIAN Aesthetics and Wellness Clinic in Bowie, MD, offers expert services in a comfortable setting. Book an appointment to learn more about how this treatment can rejuvenate your skin.

Our clinic provides discreet and personalized healthcare in a private setting. We are catering to upscale clientele ONLY.

Benefits of Chemical Peels

  • Reduces fine lines and wrinkles
  • Reduces wrinkles caused by sun damage and aging
  • Mild scars appear less prominent
  • Helps control certain types of acne
  • Minimizes age spots, freckles, and dark patches
  • Enhances skin texture and clarity
  • Promotes collagen growth for firmer skin
  • Can be customized for different skin types
  • Minimal downtime required
  • Long-lasting effects with proper skincare

Chemical Peel Pricing

Pyruvic, Jessner Peel or Acid Peels


W/ Dermaplaning



A Chemical Peel involves applying chemical solutions on the skin, which exfoliates and peels off, revealing new, smoother skin beneath. It treats a variety of skin issues, including wrinkles, scars, and uneven skin tone.

For people who want to improve the appearance of their skin and who do not have current severe skin conditions, are not pregnant, and have not used specific acne medications recently should consider this treatment.

Results can be noticeable once the skin fully heals, generally taking about one to two weeks. The skin will appear less wrinkled, brighter, and more even in tone.

Aside from redness, dryness, and peeling of the skin, the most common side effects are redness, dryness, and peeling of the skin. To assess any potential risks, it is recommended to consult a skincare professional.

The frequency depends on the skin’s condition and the type of peel used. Light peels might be done monthly, while deeper peels might be done every six months.

While home kits are available, professional application at clinics like ELYSIAN Aesthetics and Wellness Clinic ensures safety and effectiveness. Professionals can also provide a peel strength and type suited to your skin’s needs.






Our clinic provides discreet and personalized healthcare in a private setting. We are catering to upscale clientele ONLY.

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